true = display all technologies, false = display only technologies on which resources are available, example: false
Tells if the product if available to create resources on it.
Pretty label of platform.
Release date of product.
End of sales date of product.
Extended support date of product.
End of support date of product.
Support phase of product.
Order in which the category is displayed (rendering purposes).
Order in which the family is displayed (rendering purposes).
Order in which the technology is displayed (rendering purposes).
Technology leads to specific forms.
Support Form to be used in case not available for automation.
Version of the product if any.
Edition of the product if any.
Product magic form
Tell if a Support Form is ready to be used in case not available for automation.
Tell if the product can be displayed (rendering purposes).
Is product Disabled (e.g : when ongoing issue on the product ...)?.
Tell if the product is in beta mode
Tell if the product is skipping technology