Sending SMS made easy

Vortext is an API that allows you to easily integrate SMS sending into your applications. Its API allows :

  • to send SMS (max 600 characters) to the clients of the applications

  • to retrieve the status of previous deliveries

This API allows your applications to :

  • abstract from a service provider like Orange or SFR

  • benefit from advantageous rates, even for a small volume of data

  • benefit from safeguards: limited number of SMS / minute or per hour, or white list of authorized numbers to contact. The integrations on development and test platforms are therefore risk-free, even in case of bug / application regression, avoiding the risks of sending too many SMS, or to recipients that we would like to avoid (real customers).

How to request an account ?

The request for an access account to the service is done directly in the ITCare portal through the service detail page.

You can also request an account by creating a support request in ITCare : you will have to specify in which application and environment this access account should be created, as well as the limits you want.

The password will then be delivered to you by email.

For more information, please visit SMS - Get started.

SMS Character counter

You can estimate the number of SMS messages you need to send to help you reduce your costs.

For more details and to discover a system for counting SMS, please visit :


Please contact your Technical Account Manager for the current rates by SMS sent on the Vortext platform.

Last updated